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Why Vesica Piscis Mystery School?

Believe it or not, my entire life (up until my mid-thirties) I was completely terrified of being:

  1. Kidnapped

  2. Sex Trafficked

  3. Tortured & R%$ed

No matter where I did or moved, no matter how safe the neighborhood was, I couldn't shake the feeling.

One day, a friend of mine said to me, "If you're so scared, maybe God put that fear in you for a reason. Maybe you are supposed to help the cause and do something about it." A warm wave of relief washed through my body instantly when she said it. I sat with that for a few days and it's all I could think about.

That was the seed and beginning of the inception of Vesica Piscis Mystery School.

I researched foundations and reached out to people who I knew were in the field, and what I found was truly heartbreaking.

  1. Rehoming services in the US are rare - they do exist all around the world, but not in the US (unless you count foster care)

  2. Field workers who are able to rescue the kids, but are given back to the foster care/the system (which has it's own form of abuse)

  3. There is a rise in pedophiles and the selling of kids thanks to social media (which now makes it 100X easier)

In addition, I found a Ted Talk about how those attracted to younger age kids should be normalized! (The lady, YES LADY, who made this speech eventually asked for it to be removed.)

If you want watch some things I stumbled upon when I first began researching this topic, you can start here (this is just the tip of the iceberg!):

The very core and soul of Vesica Piscis, is to give kids a place to heal properly and in a safe place. Kids are our light, and we must do everything we can to protect them.

Eventually, we want to be known as the place kids can come for food, water, shelter AND healing.

Although, established in 2021, we are just in the beginning phase of this non-profit. We are small and took the first two years to come up with a game plan on how to move forward.

Currently the focus is on building a space to build rehoming and the healing center. We recognize that we have a long way to go, but are committed to the mission! I am beginning to host breathwork events as fundraisers and sell products which will go towards:

  1. Buying Land

  2. Building Homes

  3. Building the Healing Center

  4. Partnering with Orgs who work in the field

We are always looking for people who are interested in helping our cause, joining our board and more. You can always contact us here.

Follow along, to see the journey of Vesica Piscis Mystery School and our mission to help victims of abuse!

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