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Come to an Event

Before the inception of Vesica Piscis Mystery School, we were coaches and healers that decided to dedicate ourselves to underprivileged youth. Our events range from building emotional intelligence to healing generational trauma which applies to everyone. When you come to an event, 100% of the profits go towards our school and cause. 

Become a Board Member

We are looking for people who have a passion for kids, mental health and/or specialty working with non-profits who would like to make a difference in this way. Even though we are a few years old, we still are in need of some people to make this dream come true!


We are always looking for help, since there are endless tasks that need tending to. Whether that's social media, administration, partner outreach, website maintenance, coaching,  counseling, teaching. If you're interested in volunteering at our school, contact us.

Become a Partner

If you are an organization that is in the field saving the kids and are looking for a safe haven, or more support with healing services we'd love to partner with you! Fill out our contact form and let us know who you are what you do and we'll get back to you within 1-2 business days.

Additionally, if you are a corporation that would like to partner please also fill out the contact form!

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